Anastasiia - Best Holistic Nutritionist

Anastasiia Dela Cruz

A certified holistic nutritionist with 5+ years of experience dealing with hormones, fertility, gut, and women’s health with degrees from San Josè State University, University of California Berkley, and Bauman College.

Why Calorie Counting Won't Help You Loose Weight And What Negative Side Effects It Can Cause
Health Care Anastasiia De La Cruz Health Care Anastasiia De La Cruz

Why Calorie Counting Won't Help You Loose Weight And What Negative Side Effects It Can Cause

Calorie counting can be a helpful tool for people trying to lose weight, as it can help them become more aware of the amount and types of food they are consuming. However, it is not a foolproof method and can have some negative side effects. For more information on calorie counting, you can book a discovery call from a certified holistic nutritionist.

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Is It PCOS or Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (Undereating)?
Health Care Anastasiia De La Cruz Health Care Anastasiia De La Cruz

Is It PCOS or Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (Undereating)?

Is It PCOS or Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (Undereating)?

It's quite typical for doctors to first diagnose PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea.

I had a few clients who had been misdiagnosed with PCOS because of the symptom of menstrual cycle irregularities. But what is precisely the difference between the two?

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